L-KONZEPT Holding AG (future CGRE AG): Audit report confirms value of contribution in kind

At the Extraordinary General Meeting of L-KONZEPT Holding AG (in future: CGREAG) on March 28, 2024, the shareholders resolved to increase the company’s share capital by issuing new shares against contributions in kind with over 99% approval. As a result, the company’s equity is to be strengthened by around EUR 50 million. If the value of the contribution in kind exceeds the issue amount of the shares granted for this purpose (total issue amount EUR 10 million), the difference will be allocated to the free capital reserve.

When shares are issued against contributions in kind, an independent audit of the value of the contribution in kind must be carried out in accordance with Section 183 (3) AktG in conjunction with Sections 33 (3) to (5), 34 and 35 AktG. The independent auditor appointed by the Leipzig Local Court, Aritma Revision GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, has completed its audit of the capital increase against contributions in kind and submitted its report today.

Following the final result, the auditor confirms that the value of the contribution in kind, as required, reaches the issue amount of the shares in L-KONZEPT Holding AG (in future CGREAG) to be granted in return. The report on the audit of the capital increase through contributions in kind will be submitted to the court in the next few days together with the application for registration of the capital increase.