Investment with a vision

CGRE AG, which is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, has decades of experience in the development, design and realization of urban districts. Thanks to its access to a platform of several hundred experts in planning, construction, digitalization and green technology, it is particularly well positioned. This makes it an ideal investment opportunity on the German real estate market for institutional investors and family offices.   

CGRE AG is operationally divided into three divisions with different weightings: 

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Investor Relations

The platform

The cooperation with other significant market participants creates ideal conditions for operating agilely, reliably and efficiently on the German real estate and capital market, i.e. acquiring major construction and project developments, structuring the necessary financing and completing the construction work. CGRE AG has access to a platform of specialists in project development, BIM planning, prefabrication, energy management, construction and trades, letting and administration.
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